martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

The words that I have to use: friends, cars, Saturday, snake, burger king, money. During a boring afternoon, my friends and I started making plans for the weekend and we decided to go on Saturday to Los Angeles de San Rafael (ASR)to swing on the lake. Saturday comes and we took the cars and drove to ASR. in the way one of the three cars that we used broke. We called the towing track and we waited until it arrived, we thought we hadn't any money to pay the serves of the towing track but finally we get the money. After one hour we arrive to ASR and we went to the lake to swim. In the lake we had a very good time except that one snake bite silvia´s toe. when the night comes we tock the cars and went to the burger king for eating. Then we went back home, it was a very nice day!

1 comentario:

  1. Be careful with:

    -"Saturday comes" = "came" maintain the verb tense (l.3)

    -"in the way" in capital letters (l.4)

    -"broke" = "broke down" (l.4)

    -"we get the money" = "we got the money" (l.5) past again

    -""we arrive" = "we arrived" (l.5)

    -"bite" = "bit" (l.6)

    -"when the night comes" in capital letters and "came" (l.6/7)

    -"We tock" = "took" (l.7)

    -"burger king" with capital letters (l.8)

    -"for eating" = "to eat" (l.8)

    Grade: 6
