sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

I'm going to speak about my preferences about the picture C and D. I think that the environment in the picture C is very calm and relaxed, you can go there when you are stressed because is a good place to lie in the shore of the beach, relax listening to the waves crashing, reading a book or swimming on the beach. This place is a good plan to go on holidays and f course for rest. on the other hand in the picture D we can see an environment much more exiting especially for the people that loves animals and for people that are restless. is a good way to see many different animals closer and if you go with your friends maybe you will like it so much. I will like to go because I love animals and I will like to see them closer. I'm going to speak about the picture A, it seems to be a family or a group of friends making a barbecue. Maybe is the birthday of one of them. They are also so happy and they are having so fun because they are all smiling and talking with each other. The barbecue is in a garden because we can see flowers and trees and a table were they are eating. There are people of different ages, so is something funny for all of them. Definitely I think that it is a family meal or a birthday. I think that for this meal everyone would bring something to eat and drink because it will be cheaper. I will like to live a family meal or birthday like this because I think that is a very good idea to make it to have a good time with your family and friends and to met with all of them.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

THE DIVORCE Divorce nowadays is something very normal for couples. Consists on the separation of two people that were married. The main causes of the divorce are that the love has finished and the persons of the couple are fighting all the day. I think that when the couple get into a divorce, they have to be very sure about it. If they have kids is too bad for them because is a difficult situation for them. On the other part I think that if the couple aren't okey and they are aren't comfortable, is good to get into a divorce to be good and happy with themselves. in conclusion if there is any other option is better to divorce than to stay in the relationship.
This year I start the high school the 19-09. It was a very sad they because the festivals of my village had finished the day before. I felt very tired because that day I had to get up earlier. When I arrive to class I went to saw the lists and I liked my class, so I was happy.so, the first day of the high school of this year was good but very tired.
The words that I have to use: friends, cars, Saturday, snake, burger king, money. During a boring afternoon, my friends and I started making plans for the weekend and we decided to go on Saturday to Los Angeles de San Rafael (ASR)to swing on the lake. Saturday comes and we took the cars and drove to ASR. in the way one of the three cars that we used broke. We called the towing track and we waited until it arrived, we thought we hadn't any money to pay the serves of the towing track but finally we get the money. After one hour we arrive to ASR and we went to the lake to swim. In the lake we had a very good time except that one snake bite silvia´s toe. when the night comes we tock the cars and went to the burger king for eating. Then we went back home, it was a very nice day!

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016