sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

I'm going to speak about my preferences about the picture C and D. I think that the environment in the picture C is very calm and relaxed, you can go there when you are stressed because is a good place to lie in the shore of the beach, relax listening to the waves crashing, reading a book or swimming on the beach. This place is a good plan to go on holidays and f course for rest. on the other hand in the picture D we can see an environment much more exiting especially for the people that loves animals and for people that are restless. is a good way to see many different animals closer and if you go with your friends maybe you will like it so much. I will like to go because I love animals and I will like to see them closer. I'm going to speak about the picture A, it seems to be a family or a group of friends making a barbecue. Maybe is the birthday of one of them. They are also so happy and they are having so fun because they are all smiling and talking with each other. The barbecue is in a garden because we can see flowers and trees and a table were they are eating. There are people of different ages, so is something funny for all of them. Definitely I think that it is a family meal or a birthday. I think that for this meal everyone would bring something to eat and drink because it will be cheaper. I will like to live a family meal or birthday like this because I think that is a very good idea to make it to have a good time with your family and friends and to met with all of them.

1 comentario:

  1. Revise structure. USE COMMAS AND STOPS to divide sentences and paragraphs.

    Be careful with:

    "because is good" = "because it is good" (l.2)

    "f course" = "of course" (l.4)

    "for rest" = "to rest" (l.4)

    "people that loves" = "people that love" (l.6)

    "is a good way" = "it is a good way" (l.6)

    "maybe is" = "Maybe it is" (l.9)

    "a table were" = "a table where" (l.11)

    "so is something" = "so it is something" (l.12)

    "everyone would...it will" = maintain the same tense WOULD or WILL (l.13)

    ""to met" = "to meet" (l.15)

    Grade: 5,75
